
The free social network

  • No ads

  • No shady algorithms to influence behavior

  • No social experimentation

  • Freedom from corporate ulterior motives

  • Your data is your data

  • Operational costs paid by donation (or literally my own pocket as long as it is feasible)

I'm a software engineer that is fed up with social networks that exist to sell you things or influence how you think and act. I intend on building a free social network that is never monetized by ads and never uses your information for the purpose of performing social experiments or training algorithms. When I set out to create a free social network I meant it in every sense of the word.

I'll be quite honest, I don't know exactly what technologies or methods I will employ for this effort but I promise you that every decision made along the way is with the users in mind. I will not make any kind of profit on this. If it grows to the point of needing a more "corporate" structure, I will form a U.S. 501(c) 3, guaranteeing that nobody involved is motivated by profit and any donations or money made along the way are put back into the operation of the network.

I want social media to return to its original purpose: connecting people. I realize this is not a small feat and there are other projects that attempt to do the same. I recognize those projects and their noble efforts but I simply didn't feel like they completely answered the need for an open, free, social network. So lets try this!
